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Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

Shane Cragun is a Managing Partner at and a respected figure in the fields of leadership, change management, and strategy. With a background that includes executive roles at Korn Ferry and FranklinCovey, Shane has advised numerous organizations worldwide, including Honda, Cisco, and NASA. He is also an accomplished author, with his book "Reinvention: Accelerating

Results in the Age of Disruption" receiving acclaim. Shane's insights have been featured in publications such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Success.

In a recent conversation with Shane we delved into pressing questions about leadership in the age of disruption. Shane highlighted the need for leaders to have an external focus, master new business rules post-pandemic, and lead with boldness and courage. He emphasized the importance of embracing disruption and leveraging collective intelligence for strategic direction. Shane's insights underscored the pivotal role of exceptional leadership in navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape. Results in the Age of Disruption" receiving acclaim. Shane's insights have been featured in publications such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Success.

FayrEdge: Your views on the business world underscore the critical role of leadership in driving organizational success. What will it take to stay relevant and successful in the age of disruption?

Shane Cragun: We must abandon siloed leadership focused solely on internal matters. The future belongs to those who see clearly beyond the company walls. Exceptional leaders in this era of disruption will be those who are fluent in the post-pandemic business landscape. They won't settle for timid, "me-too" visions, but will instead take bold risks and inspire others with moonshot initiatives. Disruption won't be a threat, but a springboard to leapfrog competitors through strategic pivots. And to navigate this ever-changing course, they'll harness the collective intelligence of their stakeholders and ecosystem, fostering a symphony of wisdom to guide their decisions.

Exceptional leaders, who master the art and science of leadership, will be the difference maker behind organization results. The quality of leadership will be the great intangible that separates the winners from the losers in the new Age of AI.

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

FayrEdge: What common challenges do businesses face when it comes to adapting to a dynamic environment? And how can they overcome these hurdles?

The status quo feels safe and comfortable. Divisions and departments within organizations have committed to annual goals. Managers are laser-focused and heads-down on achieving their annual KPIs. This creates organizational inertia and pushback when change is introduced. Shane Cragun: Businesses naturally seek organisational stability.

Change resistance can be overcome with a strong leadership mindset of: “We welcome disruption! The fastest to adapt wins!” This must trickle down to an organizational culture that embraces new challenges and setbacks.

Additionally, many organizations attempt to make major strategic direction changes mid-year, yet never re-align individual’s goals, KPIs, and compensation systems to these new changes. This creates gridlock, dysfunction, false starts, and a lack of trust.

FayrEdge: What is that one key principle that businesses must apply to stay relevant in today's fast-paced world? Shane Cragun: Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, the most valuable company in the world, can help us with this answer on what it takes to stay relevant and ahead of the curve.

He suggests that Microsoft’s most important cultural attribute being a “learn-it-all” culture versus a “know-it-all” culture. It is about constantly seeking better ways of doing things, being open to new radical ideas, and embracing best practices regardless of where they come from.

Satya emphasizes “learn-it-all” leadership by modelling three key attributes in his daily leadership: humility, curiosity, and empathy. When organizations are transparently humble, extremely curious, and empathic to stakeholder needs, everyone wins.

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

FayrEdge: With your background in leadership and change, what advice would you give to leaders who are tasked with driving transformation within their organizations?

Shane Cragun: Transformation isn't easy. It is like leading an expedition into uncharted territory. As a veteran of organizational change, I have seen leaders struggle to navigate this complex landscape. But fear not, there are guideposts to illuminate your path. Here are 7 key best practices I recommend:

  1. Light a Fire: Spark a sense of urgency. Make sure everyone, from the C-suite to the frontlines, feels the need to change. Apathy is the enemy of progress!

  2. Paint a Vivid Picture: Don't just talk about the destination, paint a picture so vivid it ignites excitement. Craft a compelling vision of the future state – your "rallying cry" for the journey ahead.

  3. Build Your Tribe: No explorer sets off alone. Gather your "fast followers," a core group of enthusiastic supporters who will champion the change and become your foundational tribe.

  4. Embrace All Voices: Don't be afraid of the wilderness of diverse perspectives! Actively listen to all your stakeholders – they hold valuable insights to navigate the unknown.

  5. Map the Course: Chart your transformation journey with a clear roadmap. This visual guide should include milestones, deliverables, timelines, and clear ownership – it's your GPS for the uncharted territory.

  6. Equip Your Team: Don't send your team into the wild unprepared! Invest in training to equip leaders and employees with the skills and tools to become exceptional change agents.

  7. Lead by Example: Remember the leader is always visible on the expedition. Be the embodiment of the desired change, demonstrating commitment and inspiring your team to follow suit.

By embracing these best practices, you can transform your organization from a hesitant group standing at the edge of the unknown into a confident team, ready to conquer the exciting challenges that lie ahead.

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

FayrEdge: How can businesses build trust and loyalty with their stakeholders over the long-term?

Shane Cragun: Trust always begins with consistently keeping brand promises. It is about flawlessly turning “intent into impact” and “expectations into experiences.” And, when this doesn’t happen, it is vital that the organization admits their mistakes, seeks feedback, and creates resolve to do better (while constantly communicating with stakeholders).

Steve Jobs once said building trust with customers is about creating more "deposits" into stakeholder experiences than "withdrawals." Every organization has a “Trust Quotient. And that is simply "the gap between what is promised versus what is delivered." It's vital to quantify this gap and measure it constantly. Only organizations with a high trust quotient will be able to compete well in the Age of AI. There is a law with trust that says this: when trust is high, speed goes up and costs go down. When trust is low, speed goes down and costs go up. It is always economically advantageous to build a high-trust organization!

FayrEdge: How can businesses ensure fairness in their practices while staying competitive and innovative?

Shane Cragun: I would argue that a business can ONLY stay competitive and innovative IF they create great value (and fair practices and experiences) for all stakeholders. Customers and stakeholders have too many other options to turn to if you don’t treat them fairly and meet their expectations. Businesses must design each stakeholder touchpoint to be extraordinary. And then measure how they are doing, always collecting stakeholder feedback along the way. It is also critical for leadership to remove policies, procedures, structures and processes that create an inability for the organization to deliver on its promises (and course correct at the moment of need).

FayrEdge: Can you share some insights into a new research project undertaken by you - on High Power Distance (HPD) and its impact on organizational dynamics?

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

Shane Cragun: High-Power Distance (HPD) as a concept has been around for several decades. It has mostly been applied to nations and geographies. Our goal is to bring it forward as an organizational and team application. HPD measures the degree to which members of an organization accept a hierarchy of power and authority, and also accept that power is distributed unequally. The boss is king or queen and never to be challenged. In HPD cultures you see stagnant enterprises. Trust is low, change and improvement is rarely considered, innovation is absent, and decision-making seems mired in quicksand. It is a rotten place to work if you are not the one in power.

Our research will clearly show the benefits of breaking down HPD cultures and will present a new formula and solution, that, if applied, will exponentially improve innovation, morale, adaptability, profit, and other success indicators.

FayrEdge: Looking ahead, what trends do you see shaping the future of business excellence?

Shane Cragun: The landscape of business excellence is shifting. We can expect to see a continued rise in the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation efforts. Additionally, companies with a strong sense of purpose, those that prioritize fairness stakeholder experiences alongside profitability, will likely find themselves at an advantage. Collaboration will be key, with businesses increasingly relying on ecosystems to access new capabilities and opportunities.

But I see a trend that hasn’t been articulated yet. And that is this: How do we maintain our humanity and authenticity as we enter an age that is more and more virtual, artificial, and synthetic? The human touch will always play a big part in how trust is built and maintained (with technology as enablers). How do we make room for human touchpoints, the smile, the handshake, the joint laughter and experiences that engage the heart and inspire the spirit and increase in emphasis on humanity, authenticity, and kindness will become a mandate of exceptional organizations.

FayrEdge - Staying Relevant in the age of Disruption

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